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"Deepest gratitude to all the organizers and volunteers working to unify parents and children. I can't think of a better place to put my money to work right now." -- Terra
“Nuestro mayor agradecimiento a todos los organizadores y voluntarios que trabajan para unificar a los padres y niños. No puedo pensar en un mejor lugar para poner mi dinero a trabajar en estos momentos.” – Terra
We reunite families and support partners on the border with their critical needs. We give special consideration to bond requests for those who are vulnerable because of some aspect of their identity or are ill.
Bonds have recently been set between $15,000-$40,000 each instead of the typical $1500 bond. The lowest bond we have paid is $1500 and the highest bond, $40,000. Based on what we have paid in bonds the average cost is $9000.
We partner with some the best immigration attorneys in the country.
We do seek to find pro bono representation however, these sources are increasingly unavailable. In those instances when we cannot find other resources, we do pay for legal representation because without counsel it is nearly impossible to navigate our complicated immigration courts.
Immigrant Families Together is one of the most comprehensive foundations in providing full assistance to our families on an as need basis.
We also provide humanitarian aid to our partners on the border which is becoming increasingly important due to the effects of the Remain in Mexico program which leaves asylum seekers stranded without a country and home to wait out their asylum process. These migrants are left to live in shelters, tents and under tarps in the streets until their court dates which can take months and in some cases over a year.
Very early on in IFT's history, people started calling and writing us from inside detention centers. Through their calls and letters, we learned of the range of terrible conditions inside these for-profit facilities.
Though we were focused on getting people OUT of detention, we began thinking about how to work on some of the structural issues that impact people who are stuck in ICE custody for an extended period of time.
We became involved in providing logistical support on cases where we thought we could connect the dots, providing detained folks and their families with contacts for and referrals to resources that could help get them out of detention.
Eventually, though, we realized that there are barriers to even making contact with the world outside the walls and razor wire of the detention centers, because it costs so much money to reach anyone outside the prison. And because of IFT's proven track record of effective rapid response actions, we began, increasingly, to be called upon to provide support in particularly heartbreaking cases, including those of people who died in detention.
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a $25,000 grant, in partnership with Justice Catalyst and the #DetentionKills network, to expand our work in this area.
This grant specifically allows us to fund work for the support of families who lose a loved one in detention, and to support others in detention so that they don't become another name on the devastating list of deaths in ICE.
We're glad you asked! YES! We received a letter of determination from the IRS which was dated February 6, 2020. We are newly listed listed on Guidestar and will be actively seeking to update our level of transparency in the coming months.
We are! Like many Americans, you've probably just recently become aware of the many organizations, including RAICES, that have been working on border and immigration issues for years. These organizations were spread thin before the zero tolerance policy and family separation crisis; they have only become more so since then. We are by no means reinventing the wheel. In fact, we are partnering with a number of long-established non-profits, social justice and immigrant advocacy groups, and elected officials around the country to apply their knowledge, experience, connections, and influence to work in collaboration for a single cause: to free these mothers and reunite them with their children. We are grateful to work with them, learn from them, and support their efforts in the pursuit of this common goal.
¿Por qué no están trabajando en conjunto con otras organizaciones que ya hacen este tipo de trabajo?
¡Sí lo estamos! Como muchos norteamericanos, tal vez recientemente se han enterado de todas estas organizamos, incluyendo RAÍCES, que ha estado trabajando en problemas fronterizos y migratorios por años. Estas organizaciones no eran tan conocidas antes de la política de cero tolerancia; solo después de ésta se han vuelto más conocidas. Bajo ningún motivo estamos reinventando el tema. De hecho, estamos reuniéndonos con diversos grupos de justicia social y ayuda migratoria sin fines de lucro establecidos desde hace tiempo, así como oficiales electos alrededor del país para hacer uso de su conocimiento, experiencia, conexiones e influencia para trabajar en una misma causa: la liberación de estas madres y la reunión con sus familias.
Estamos agradecidos de poder trabajar y aprender de ellos, y apoyar sus esfuerzos en cumplir con la misma meta.
Yes! If you email us, we will be happy to discuss your donation privately.
¿Aceptan donaciones más grandes?
¡Si! Si nos escribes un correo, con gusto te pondremos discutir tu donación de forma privada.
We need to protect their privacy and security.
¿Por qué no nos pueden dar más información sobre las madres y sus hijos?
Porque debemos proteger su privacidad y seguridad.
Through those we have paid bond, the work of others, lawyers, and family members.
It began with Yeni Gonzalez, an immigrant mother from Guatemala whose three children were taken by ICE agents and transported to New York. Yeni remained alone in a detention center in Arizona, unable to pay a $7,500 bond. A group of American mothers heard Yeni’s story and quickly mobilized to raise bond money and then transport her safely, state by state, to New York. The group drove her by car because ICE had taken her ID, putting her up for the night at homes of even more volunteers. We also found shelter, food and pro-bono legal aid for Yeni. Her three children were soon back in their mother’s arms, and eventually her full custody. Immigrant Families Together was born.
Todo comenzó con Yeni González, una madre inmigrante de Guatemala, cuyos tres hijos fueron llevados por agentes del ICE y trasladados a Nueva York. Yeni permaneció sola en un centro de detención en Arizona, sin poder pagar una fianza de $ 7,500. Un grupo de madres estadounidenses escuchó la historia de Yeni. Se movilizaron rápidamente para recaudar dinero para la fianza y después poder transportarla de manera segura, estado por estado, hasta Nueva York. El grupo la tuvo que llevar en auto, pues la ICE había tomado su identificación y la había dejado pasar noches en casas de otros voluntarios. También encontramos refugio, alimentos y asistencia legal pro bono para Yeni. Los tres hijos pronto regresaron a los brazos de su madre, y finalmente Yeni obtuvo su custodia completa. Así fue como Immigrant Families Together nació.
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¿Cuáles son sus cuentas oficiales en redes sociales?
Hemos creado la página de fans en Facebook regional y grupos, anticipando el crecimiento para ayudar a movilizarnos regionalmente. Aquí está una lista de nuestras cuentas oficiales de redes sociales.
Únete, danos like, síguenos, comparte y retuitea las publicaciones de las siguientes páginas oficiales:
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Julie Schwietert Collazo--Founder and Director
Former bilingual social worker, current bilingual writer/journalist. Learned about Yeni's case on a radio show and reached out to Yeni's lawyer to say that she could activate a network of people who could post Yeni's bond, get her to New York, and provide ongoing support throughout her immigration proceedings. She set the ball in motion for what would become Immigrant Families Together. At present, she works with attorneys and advocacy groups to identify family members eligible for release from ICE detention facilities, posts their bond, and manages media relations for IFT.
Julie Schwietert Collazo -- Fundadora
Ex-trabajadora social bilingüe, actualmente escritora/reportera bilingüe.
Se enteró del caso de Yeni en un show de radio y decidió contactar al abogado de Yeni para decir que comenzaría una red de personas que podrían pagar la fianza de Yeni, llevarla a Nueva York, y proveer apoyo a través de procesos legales. Puso la bola de nieve que eventualmente se convertiría en Immigrant Families Together en movimiento. Hoy en día trabaja con abogados y grupos para identificar a mujeres elegibles para salir bajo fianza de las instalaciones de detención de ICE, pagar sus fianzas y manejar las relaciones en los medios para Immigrant Families Together.
Francisco Collazo -- Co-Founder and President:
Refugee from Cuba, former counselor, current translator/photographer. Is the point person for providing on-ground support for families who are relocating to NYC after their release from ICE detention.
Francisco Collazo -- Co-fundador
Refugiado cubano, ex-consejero, actualmente traductor/fotógrafo.
Es la persona encargada de proveer apoyo en tierra para familias que se están reubicando en Nueva York, después de su liberación en ICE.